Astral travel or out of body experiences… if they are real, then why can’t anyone prove it? This question has been frustrating me lately, so , today, I decided to put this question to my guide.
This is a channelled conversation with the answers indented in italics.
So, if Out of Body experiences are real, then how come no one is able to prove it?
This is actually not quite true. There are certainly cases where people have seen things in their astral body which they can later verify. However, it’s not easy to replicate. It does take a tremendous amount of energy to view this world from the astral levels.
Really? How so?
It’s all on a different vibrational level.
Well, you can’t see the astral levels from the earth 3D level. It’s in a different place. Or rather, you can’t see it with normal senses. You can certainly see them with your mind’s eye or if you are attuned psychically.
Some are actually able to spiritualize their body, meaning raise their vibrations to such a high level, that can they enter the astral levels in that way, but as a general rule, you can’t see the astral levels while in a human body and you can’t see this 3D level while in an astral body. At least not very clearly.
Another thing to take into account here is that the astral levels are very easy to manipulate. You can make anything you imagine appear. While it will have substance to you on that level, it is of a much higher vibration and so will not have the same weightiness that object on earth will have. Before you ask, astral constructs are more like shells or facades, rather than something that has real substance to it.
What you see of this world while in the astral is also overlayed by the astral constructions by either ourselves, or other beings.
So, you’re saying that what we see here while viewed from the astral is mostly illusion?
You can liken it trying to view the bottom of the ocean from the surface. It gets denser and murkier, and the deeper you go, the harder it becomes to make out anything.
So, you’re saying that while we’re in the astral, we can’t see the 3D world clearly?
Correct. This is why it’s so hard to validate your experiences. Now, the closer you are to your body, the more dense your vibrations become, due to you being close to your own grounding source. So it becomes much easier to view things closer to where you are sleeping. The further away you go, though, the harder it becomes.
As mentioned, you can do it, but it takes a tremendous amount of energy, and it is exhausting.
The other thing is that for many people, the last thing they want to be doing while having an OBE is trying to prove it’s real. They are enjoying the experience too much.
So, no one will be able to prove it in scientific terms?
The experiments suggested for proving it are not practical because they lack the understanding of the physics of the situation. It’s akin to saying that there is no bottom of the ocean, simply because you cannot go there in your current physical form.
The day will come when people have advanced enough for OBE’s to be the norm, and they will need no proof as they will just be experiencing it for themselves.
And really, how do you prove such things to those who can’t experience it? It’s like trying to prove sight to a blind person. They have to take it completely on faith that it is so.
Okay, well thank you for that.
I wonder if anyone else has thoughts and experiences on this subject.
Filed under: Astral Travel, Channelling, OBE, Out of body experiences Tagged: Astral body, astral planes, Astral projection, OBE, Out-of-body experience, proving astral travel, proving OBE, why can't we prove astral travel / OBE